sebelah washing machine ada deep freezer. it belongs to my dad.he uses it to store his fish.not to story all that.
i pinjam a bit of the space freezing my ebm (express breast milk)
should last until June. tapi bangun pagi tadi nk on plug washing machine,
tengok2 plug freezer tu off!!!
huwaa. hati dah sedih dah sebab tau ayah datang mesti petang2 so meaning
freezer tu da off almost 12-13 hours. memang takde rezekilaa el susu tu for you.
though he pun takdelaa suke sangat nak minum through bottle but still.
sedih betul rasenye. but kene redha tapi tu lah. sedih. teringat nak pump tu bukanlah senang
dengan si el menanges sebab dia nak berdukung aja. cerita pasal breasfeeding ni.
let me story as a first time mom and first time i decided to breastfeed my son.
masa kerja mula2 tak pernah langsung terifkir nak breastfeed sebab rasa macam its too troublesome.
but since dapat encouragement from my sis yang masa tu sama2 pregnant but her son tua my son 5months old in different year, i was motivated jugak. start beli pump sama brand dengan my sis nye.
my keturunannya baby memang jenis yang kuat nanges. haha. u guys maybe think like
'alah nanges aje, xkanlaa its that bad' but seriously you guys. kuat menanges here means really kuat nanges. you guys can be shocked laa tengok macam mana our baby nanges.
ade this one time i bring my son to my relative beraya. one of them said 'susu badan ke? oh patutlah melekap semacam and tak nak kat orang' haha betul ke baby breastfeed ni clingy semacam?
ke it runs only in my family?
clingy here meaning memang taknak kat orang lain. masa he still baby arouund 3-7 months cmtu memang taknak langsung kat orang lain except me, myself and i. haha. not even his ayah ok!
my husband ada gak merajuk sekali sekala. bab menanges tu, if biarkan boleh berlarutan sampai sejam lebih. so that is what one of the clingy meaning in my familynye genes.
another part is tak boleh letak. 24 jam if boleh asyek nak berdukung aja. dah boleh jalan ke merangak ke kan. still he asyek nak berdukung aja. dah dukung tu satu hal. tapi nak berjalan. ulangalik umah makngah. dukung dalam umah dah bosan so pegi umah makngah. sampai sana dah jalan2 kt dalam umah tu. main baldi ke besen ke cawan ke then he nanges lagi. so balik umah. then tak sampai bape minit, nanges balik. and the cycles repeat guys.
another part lagi time nak masak his food or for family. haa time tulah dia nk dukung.
selagi tak pick him up selagi tu dia nanges. nanges macam kena dera, or macam baru jatuh teruk.
like yesterday, my sis sebelah umah lastly datang sebab dengar him cry macam kena pukul
haha. see u el! making ibu looks bad. mesti orang kata dera anak.
susah tu is yes but takda lah tak bersyukur. cuma some people wont understand the situation.
sebab maybe that certain people tak pernah jumpa kot baby macam ni. i mean kuat nanges and taknak kat orang to this extend. to those people who are related to me yang terasa mintak maaflah ye.
you can say whatever you like or think whatever you want but if he masa baby pun kat his ayah he tak nak so what more can you say kan.
so ada tak korang share the same experience as i do? btw, my son now is 13mo and still clingy to me.
no signs of changing la. just that when he started to crawl, he dah nak kat his ayah. and now macam dah tak boleh nampak. if pergi kerja ke,ternampak confirm fikir akan ikut sekali. kadang2 i pulak yang kecik hati. haha. baru faham perasaan my husband masa si el tak nak dengan dia dulu.
be whatever or sekuat mana dia nak nanges pun, i'm really grateful to Allah. bercerita sekadar berkongsi or just to make some people understand if we turn down every invitation to event ke kenduri ke. sebab nanti mengganggu suasana. so harap faham ye.
wah dari cite ebm rosak kena buang to breastfeed to baby clingy kuat nanges! hahaah hope some of u guys can share gak if ada baby like mine. sedara mara selalu cakap keturunan kitorang keturunan kuat nanges. haha. i'm not offended sebab some of them pun ada yang shares same baby behaviour macam tu.
ok last but not least, here is the pic ebm yang kena buang tu. hari ini disebabkan takde mood and sedih, i taknak masak. makan luar ye dinner nanti. hehehe
till we meet again. peace, i'm out! =)